Aviation Services

Aviation Handling

PAX Handling Services

  • Meet and greet
  • Customs and immigration assistance
  • Limousine and rental car arrangements / reservations
  • Hotel or conference rooms reservations
  • Exclusive passenger lounge accommodation
  • Arrangement of VIP security services
  • VAT refund

CREW Handling Services

  • Slot coordination
  • Flight plan support / NOTAM information
  • Weather briefings
  • Coordination of all on ground services
  • Administration of VIP catering & international press
  • Exclusive crew lounge accommodation
  • Organisation of crew transportation / hotel reservation

Landing Permit

Austrian Landing Permit

Operators from NON-EU countries who wish to perform non-scheduled charter flights to Austria are obliged to obtain Landing Permits from Austrian CAA (Austro Control).
Landing Permits for Austria are also mandatory for EU operators, willing to fly commercially between Austria and a 3rd country, outside EU with aircrafts exceeding 14.000 kg MTOW.
An application for landing permit has to be submitted before each flight.

To apply for Austrian Landing Permit, submit the following documents:

  • Completed application including TCO number;
  • Valid Certificate of Insurance;
  • Valid Air Operator Certificate;
  • Slots must be confirmed by handling or airport slot-coordinator;

The application request is usually processed within 2-3 days.
Under certain conditions, it can also be issued faster.
Please note that the Landing Permit office is not open every day.

To obtain landing permit, send your inquiry to our 24 hours operations: ops@magnumfbo.com

Slovak Landing Permit

In General business aviation flights to Slovakia do not require landing permission if operated by EU registered operators and operating between EU countries.

a) If operating outside of EU countries, and/or the operator is not registered within the EU, landing permission is required only if the flight is declared as commercial (for a commercial customer, not for own purposes of the owner/operator) and the aircraft has more than 10 passenger seats.

b) If the flight is ferry or it is declared private (for the own use of the owner/operator) or even if it is commercial but the aircraft has maximum 10 passenger seats, landing permission is not required even if it is operated outside of EU countries, and/or the operator is not registered within the EU.

Landing permission must be requested at least 3 working days in advance.

MAGNUM FBO arranges Landing Permits for operators in Austria and Slovakia and provides assistance at any stage of the process.

To obtain landing permit, send your inquiry to our 24 hours operations: ops@magnumfbo.com

Air Travel Levy

Austrian Air Travel Levy – Passenger Tax​

Austrian Air Travel Levy (Passenger Tax) has to be paid by operators for every passenger on board, departing from Austria. NOTE: Transit passengers are exempted, as well as medical emergency patients on active ambulance flights. For non Austrian operators, the payment has to be processed through local fiscal representative. As Austrian company – MAGNUM FBO offers fiscal representation and manages all administrative processes with local authorities.

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